Monday, January 25, 2010

Diary/Journal Entry

The book I'm reading, well I've actually finished it quicker than I thought, is Street Pharm. It's a very good book. One of my favorites now. It's about a high school boy whose the son of the King of Streets, which is a drug dealer. The boy took over his father's business. Things get rough, something goes bad, things get worse, then everything falls apart. A piece of his diary/journal:

          Man things are getting real tight. This business is ruining everything. I blew Alyse TWICE and I lied to her that I was a hustler. Sonny, my best man; best friend; closest person to being a brother to me, he's gone. He's really gone. He's dead. It's all my fault. I shoulda did something, convince him not to, at least go with him and back him up. But I was selfish and I only thought of myself. He called me nine times, why didn't I pick up!? I need to stop. I need to fix this. I need to find myself. I'm so confused. I bet Alyse will never forgive me. The school didn't accept me for the spring semester. I gotta do something to catch up. I needa prove to Alyse that I'm good.
          I've been thinking and I got it! Imma quit the hustling business. Throw everything bad away, clean my profile up. Imma go to school. Adult school, whatever, get some catching up on grades and stuff. I'll come back in fall semester. I'll show Alyse my A report card, I'll show up in fall. I'll tell her I quited the business. I won't be a hustler no more. I won't be my dad. I am NOT my father. And then I'll hope everything goes well... Hope that Alyse will forgive me.

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