Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Review Reading

          The book is named May Bird Among the Stars. It is a sequence book where there are different books that continue the story. Among the Stars is Book Two. I've seen this book before but I didn't think it looked that interesting. I was done with my 3rd independent book, so I had to get another book to read for the time being. I couldn't find a nice book and I had to get one quick. So I took the last book I grabbed, which was May Bird. 
          The book is about a girl, and she's been sent to a different realm from Book One.There's this cat with her, it can't talk, but in a way, she understands him. His name is Somber Kitty, Kitty for short. She is in a realm of ghosts and spirits. She has 3 ghosts with her; Beatrice Heathcliff Longfellow---  known as Beatrice--- (Bea for short), Captain Fabbio--- known as Fabbio---, and Pumpkin. They've been in a train for a few days and that train was heading to Lady of North Farm, known as just Lady. Lady will grant May one wish, what ever she desires. In May's mind, she already knew what she wanted, she wanted to go home. As the train moved along, there was a bump, the one who caused it was named The Bogey. He's been chasing them, and now he might of got them. But when the trained stopped, they were at a town. The town was to be procalimed as Everville, T.E.A. and it was an empty town.
          That's where I stopped, I finished page 18 and read only a bit of page 19 where they plan to explore the town because the train wouldn't budge. I think this book is okay. It's not great but it isn't horrible either. I would plan on reading more but the reason why I wouldn't is beacuse it is a sequence book. I wouldn't want to read it unless I read Book One. Than it wouldn't be fun for me because I wouldn't be satisfied until I've finished all the books, which I don't want to do. I like one book, one story, the end. :)

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