Monday, January 25, 2010

A Bag of Drugs is Everything

I found this picture on Google when I searched up "bag of cocaine". I only wanted a picture with a small bag of it, and this was the one I chose.

          Anyways this picture of a bag of cocaine, or I'm going to just use the picture to resemble "drugs". This picture, it resembles everything about the book Street Pharm. So that's already a heads up that this book is about drugs, with the title "Street Pharm", you would figure that it has to do with selling/dealing drugs. So it is true.
         In the novel, the story deals with this. If it wasn't for drugs, there'd be no story. Ty's father, Orlando, was the King of Streets until he got caught. After his father was put behind bars, Ty took over this family business. His partner was Sonny. Not only was Sonny his partner, but it was his best friend and the closest person to becoming his brother. Sonny was family to Ty. Ty had to get back in school after he got kicked out of his old one. He met a girl and fell in love but one of his rules was to not fall in love because that might cause him trouble if they were to break up. While Ty was now the King of Streets, another drug dealer named Kevin but they called him Darkman wanted to take over. With that problem, there were many troubles. Ty was shot, lucky he wasn't dead, because that was what Darkman was aiming for when he sent a drive by. He had to break up with Alyse, the reason of how he did it was tell her the truth. He knew she'd be mad. Some of Kevin's workers were setting him up, and Ty found out. They worked together and got Kevin out. Soon after Kevin left, Sonny was killed. Ty realized this whole drug dealing business was ruining his life. It always takes someone he cared for away from him. He knew he had to quit.
           That small summary of the book deals with the picture, drugs. Even though I basically said nothing about drugs in the summary, you should follow that the reason how those all happened was because of drugs.
          Ty was kicked out of his old school because he was too busy running the business, he missed a lot of school days. Alyse and Ty broke up because he was a hustler, a drug dealer. His father got locked up because he was a drug dealer. Kevin is a drug dealer, he wants to take Ty's territory. Ty was almost killed because of Darkman, because he was the "King of Streets" and someone wanted his title. Sonny was killed because he was making a trade with some buyers but they scammed him.
          In my reason of why the picture resembled the novel, the paragraph above, there was so much of the word drug dealer. They sold the drugs to get rich. It was their profit, it was their way to make a living, to get money. Ty thought about it and he got smart. He quit so no one else he cared for would get hurt, and he wouldn't get hurt either.

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